May 18, 2024

About Us

Greetings and Salutations!

Welcome and thank you for joining us at ‘That Wasn’t Chocolate’! A blog created by four mothers that have come together to share their thoughts on life, DIY projects, health and just plain old being Moms! We would love for you to get to know us a little better:

Franny is a fun-loving, health nut that likes going to the mall in her activewear. She’s ‘Mommy’ to Miss Pearl, who is 8, and Henry, who just turned 6.

Marguerite is a DIY guru that loves to cook and drink wine. She’s always on the go and aspires to be punctual (one day). She’s ‘Mama’ to 2 boys (Charles & Patrick) ages 7 and 3.

Pippy is the newest Mommy! She likes to bake and be creative. She enjoys being a self-proclaimed homebody. Her 3 year old son is adorably nick-named ‘Fussfuss’ and brand new baby “Cole” just made her debut!

Morality scours the internet looking for answers to everyday problems, fun activities, and delicious recipes to try. Her mission is to provide practical ideas that can work for almost every family. You’ll enjoy her posts if you’re looking for family fun, recipes, DIY and more!

If you’re wondering about the name of our blog “That Wasn’t Chocolate”… Marguerite will soon share all the horrifying and hilarious details of the time she learned a valuable lesson the hard way.

We hope that this blog will be both a helpful and amusing resource for Moms like us! Thanks for visiting!